
You may transfer your booking without charge,
as long as you give us 4 working days notice
prior to the commencement of a course or workshop,
or 21 days notice prior to the commencement of a retreat.



If you need to withdraw from a course or workshop,
you are required to give at least 4 working days notice
prior to the start date.

If you need to withdraw from a retreat,
you are required to give at least 21 days notice
prior to the start date.

A $55 withdrawal fee applies.

Note – No refunds or transfers will be issued for withdrawals with less than four working days notice.


If you cannot attend your usual class on our beginners course you may attend another class with Melbourne Meditation Centre that week. They run to the same weekly schedule as the Geelong classes.

If you miss a class (or more) or miss a class from our Cultivating Self-Compassion course due to unavoidable circumstances you may catch them up in the following term (except when classes are full)

State Public Holidays

and School Holidays

Please note that our courses and retreats sometimes run over school holidays and on public holidays.



We may change schedules, locations, fees and tutors when necessary and to cancel classes (or conduct them online, when COVID restrictions require us to), without penalty, for reasons beyond our control.

Classes with low enrolments may be cancelled (fees are refunded).


Money Back Guarantee

If, after attending all six sessions of our Meditation & Mindfulness for Beginners Course, you are not satisfied that you have received value for money, just ask and we’ll give you a full refund, no questions asked.